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Sexual Health

Many women today are directing themselves towards good, high-quality sexual health screening. This involves not only assessment for infections but also cervical screening. Many women choose to have in-depth HPV screening and more frequent cervical smears than currently offered within the NHS. Many women also choose to have yearly pelvic ultrasound scans to assess their anatomy, particularly their ovaries combined with tumour markers blood tests for reassurance.

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Endometriosis is a chronic condition, which affects women from puberty to menopause. The condition is very prevalent and often diagnosed late...

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Female Incontinence

There are two main types of urinary incontinence. The first is invariably associated with childbirth or the ageing process. This incontinence is...

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Subfertility often causes great anxiety to couples. It is, therefore, essential to investigate thoroughly and quickly at the appropriate time. ...

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